Google Ads Transparency Center

Google has announced the launch of a new Ads Transparency Center, which will provide more information about the advertisements displayed on Google’s various platforms. This move is aimed at increasing transparency and allowing users to have more control over their online experience.

Google’s Ads Transparency Center will provide a database of all the advertisements that are currently running on Google’s platforms, including search, display, and video ads. Users will be able to see information such as the advertiser’s name, the product being advertised, and the landing page for the ad.

Google’s Ads Transparency Center – My Ad Center

The new center will also allow users to see why they are seeing a particular ad, as well as the demographic information that Google has used to target the ad to them. Users can also provide feedback on ads they find irrelevant or inappropriate, which will help Google improve its ad targeting algorithms.

Image Courtesy of Google

The Ads Transparency Center builds on Google’s existing efforts to increase transparency and user control. In 2018, Google launched a tool called “Why this ad?” which allowed users to see why a particular ad was being shown to them. The Ads Transparency Center expands on this by providing more detailed information about ads and giving users more control over their ad experience.

The launch of the Google Ads Transparency Center comes as privacy concerns around online advertising continue to grow. Many users are concerned about the amount of data that companies like Google collect about them and how that data is used to target ads. The Ads Transparency Center is part of Google’s efforts to address these concerns and provide users with more transparency and control.

Image Courtesy of Google

In addition to the Ads Transparency Center, Google is also introducing new controls that allow users to see and manage the data that Google collects about them. These controls will be available in Google’s “My Account” settings and will allow users to see what data is being collected, how it is being used, and to delete that data if they choose.

In short, Google’s Ads Transparency Center and new data controls are part of Google’s broader efforts to be more transparent about how it collects and uses data. By providing users with more information and control, Google hopes to address concerns around privacy and give users a better online experience.

The post Google Ads Transparency Center appeared first on 99 Robots.

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